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Safety publicity
date:2021-12-15 hits:1198

1. It is forbidden to burn branches, leaves, garbage and other sundries in the scenic area; It is forbidden to build sheds; It is forbidden to set up stalls without authorization; It is forbidden to stack materials, pull ropes and hang things at will.

2. All kinds of signs in the scenic area shall be kept clean and complete, the words and graphics on the signs shall be standardized, and the words in the signs shall be compared in Chinese and foreign languages. If it is damaged or lost, it shall be replaced or repaired in time.

3. The obvious position at the entrance of the scenic spot shall be provided with a schematic diagram, a brief introduction to the scenic spot and instructions for visiting the park; A brief introduction shall be set at the entrance of the exhibition room; Signboards shall be set up at main intersections.

4. The service personnel of the scenic spot must be trained, wear signs and abide by the service specifications.

5. Personnel engaged in tour guide activities in the scenic spot must have the qualification of tour guide/ 6. The scenic spot can provide children's cars, wheelchairs and other travel tools for infants, the elderly and the disabled.

7. Lightning protection equipment shall be installed in the buildings, tall amusement facilities and commanding points of the scenic spot. Fire water sources and fire-fighting facilities shall be reasonably set up in the scenic spot to ensure smooth fire-fighting access.

8. All kinds of equipment and facilities in the scenic spot shall be maintained and inspected regularly to keep them intact, safe and effective.

9. Amusement projects in the scenic area shall not be operated without passing the inspection by relevant departments. Safety instructions must be publicized for all kinds of amusement projects.

10. Obvious prohibition signs shall be set up in non swimming areas, fire prevention areas and non-smoking areas.

11. Except for the hand-operated and push wheelchairs and children's vehicles used by the elderly, the disabled and children, other vehicles are not allowed to enter the scenic spot without permission.

12. If it is approved to hold large-scale activities and build temporary facilities such as stages and booths in the scenic spot, the landscape of the scenic spot shall not be affected. During the period of holding an event, the event organizer shall remove all kinds of wastes such as garbage in time; After the activity, the site shall be cleared in time, temporary facilities shall be demolished, and the landscape, green space and facilities of the scenic spot shall be restored to their original state. If damage is caused to trees, lawns and facilities in the scenic spot, compensation shall be made.

13. Visitors shall enjoy the park in a civilized way, take good care of public property and protect the environment, and shall not affect or hinder others' sightseeing and rest.

14. It is forbidden to climb over fences, railings and hedges, smoke in non-smoking areas, swim in non swimming areas and fish in non fishing areas. It is forbidden to spit, defecate and litter peels (cores), cigarette butts, chewing gum and other wastes everywhere;

15. Campfires, barbecues, fishing and catching animals, digging plants, intimidating, beating and harming animals are prohibited

16. It is forbidden to scribble, engrave, climb and break flowers and trees on buildings, structures, facilities and trees, and damage lawns and trees;

17. It is forbidden to chase tourists and forcibly sell goods in the scenic spot, which will affect the tour order.

18. The administrative agency of the scenic spot shall receive tourists according to the tourist capacity specified in the design of the scenic spot. When the scenic spot is open, in case of an emergency or emergency, measures such as temporarily closing the scenic spot, scenic spot and exhibition hall and evacuating tourists shall be taken according to the emergency plan, and timely report to the relevant departments.

19. For those who need to enter the scenic spot to avoid disasters and risks in the event of major disasters such as earthquakes, the scenic spot management organization shall open the designated places of refuge in time. Residents avoiding disasters in the scenic spot shall obey the management of the scenic spot management organization. After the disaster is eliminated, the residents avoiding the disaster in the scenic spot shall withdraw in time, and the scenic spot management organization shall restore the original appearance of the scenic spot.

Last: Baishi Hill scenic spot has the first French
Next:Letter of commitment for safety production in BAISHILING tourist area, Hainan
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